

In-House Careers

GLS Masterclass: The Future Ready Lawyer

1 min • 15 Jan 21



About This Seminar

This seminar will explore the following themes:

  • New law skills  
  • The essential skill sets required by in-house legal teams in the new era of legal practice
  • Critical training strategies to help in-house teams stay ahead of the game
  • Why lawyers leave private practice 
  • The five essential drivers for retaining your legal talent 



Matthew Glynn


Matt is the Managing Director of the GLS Group, a leading legal disruptor that delivers 24/7/365 access to the worlds largest legal operations platform offering productivity tools & resources that help in-house legal teams to achieve far greater productivity outcomes through the deployment of legal operations led legal team interventions.

Be it by AI based contract reviews, contract automation solutions or by architecting high-performance legal teams, GLS Group provides access to world class legal ops solutions at a disruptive price point.

A former Big Law technology lawyer, Matt has been responsible for the development of 500+ technology enabled tools that extend what in-house legal resources can achieve for in-house legal teams. 

Simon Bryan 


Simon is a co-founder and principal of the GLS Group, a leading legal disruptor that delivers 24/7/365 access to world-class legal solutions. Solutions that enable in-house teams and law firms to achieve far greater productivity outcomes.

Be it by AI based contract reviews, contract automation solutions or by architecting high-performance legal teams, GLS Group provides access to world class solutions at a disruptive price point

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