GLS Managed Legal Services

Strategic Legal Capacity That Transforms

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GLS Performance Managed Legal Services

GLS Managed Legal Services

Sometimes an in-house legal team's most pressing need is to reclaim their strategic advisory capacity by being freed of certain legal department processes, which are important, but are less strategic.

The GLS Legal Operations Centre (LOC) can help, but most lawyers are too busy to find the time to be less busy, leaving the powerful platform untapped.

The GLS Managed Legal Services (MLS) solves this problem by hand-picking the best resources from the LOC to address your specific challenges. We also provide access to the world-class lawyers you need to tackle what's on your desk today.


Inside GLS’s Managed Legal Services

The GLS Managed Legal Solutions is affordable, accessible, fast and truly world-class. The reason why we are able to deliver it at this level is because we own and leverage the vast resources of the GLS Legal Operations Centre.

Matthew Glynn

Group Managing Director


How We Design Your MLS Solution


MLS Solution Scenarios

There are a growing number of scenarios where a GLS MLS solution can be effective. While you might have your own scenario in mind, these are our most common GLS MLS intervention scenarios.

Contracting capacity support

Contracting Capacity Support

Immediate and cost-effective contracting capacity enabled by the LOC. We also simultaneously upgrade your contracting function to world-class.

Template library development

Template Library Development

The development, optimisation and future-readying of your legal template library including user training and support.

Legal function capacity support

Legal Function Capacity Support

Variable, on-demand legal support to handle any legal tasks your team may have. Get the support you need, when you need it.

Contracting optimisation

Contracting Optimisation

A data-driven systematic program to optimise the performance of your contracting function, resulting in time and cost savings.

Legal department training

Legal Department Training

Training programs to drive compliance outcomes including all spin-up, content & delivery, takeaways and memory retention tools.

CLMS readiness assessments

CLMS Readiness Assessments

Assisting your organisation to assess their readiness for one of the most important legal department decisions - which CLMS should they buy?

Privacy compliance adequacy

Privacy Compliance Adequacy

Test and address the adequacy of your business privacy compliance infrastructure and deliver the required compliance training.

Legal operations stand up

Legal Operations Stand Up

Efficiently establish a basic legal operations function that is commensurate with and works to optimise your currently available legal dept. resources.

KPI planning

ΚΡΙ Planning

Define and track key performance indicators that drive efficiency, measure success and align with your overall business goals.

Legal service intake protocol

Legal Service Intake Protocols

We help you build out your legal service protocol – from legal service requests to departmental Service Level Agreements (SLA).

Want to find out more about the GLS Group? We’d love to talk to you.

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