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GLS Total Legal Support™
Access all the resources of a world class in-house team
The Problem
You would like your team to have the resources of a world class legal team.
Related challenges include:
- you have limited resources to support your team’s growing needs
- your team regularly operates beyond its capacity
- business as usual “grind” limits your focus on more “strategic” matters
- you know your team must become more productive
- you know legal tech might help – but which ones and how?
- approved legal budgets don’t cover all that you need
- you want tools & solutions that benefit all team members
- sourcing any kind of support takes time in your business
- multi-sourced solutions don’t always integrate seamlessly
- you would like to aggregate your resource spend
- you know your team has a transformation journey ahead
If only there was a single resource platform providing access to the widest range of in-house tools & solutions at disruptive price points.
The GLS Solution
GLS Total Legal Support™ allows your team to access the GLS Legal Operations Centre i.e. the widest range of dedicated tools & solutions available on the internet, at disruptive price points on a pre-paid basis that delivers you a wide range of additional resources and benefits.
Instant Access | Rapid Mobilization | Mini/Major Assignments | Cheaper | High Quality | Sustainable | Technology Enabled |
GLS Group Supported | In-House/Private Practice Experts | Strategic Resourcing | Free Training | Free LOC Credit | Relationship Manager
Through a single pre-paid account your team can access and utilise the most advanced productivity tools & solutions available to in-house teams, and yet only pay for what you consume, whilst enjoying additional discounted rates and other benefits.
GLS Total Legal Support™ is arranged to mirror how in-house teams typically work and lets you plan and resource the transformation of your in-house legal team.
GLS Total Legal Support™ helps define your transformation needs and qualify your tools & solutions choices to not only extend your budget’s purchasing powers but your budget itself.
Many problems solved.
Solution Deliverables
Pre-Paid Resourcing: | Enjoy the best possible commercial terms with a pre-paid GLS Total Legal Support account which delivers you transparent and optimally efficient resource access. |
Unbeatable Pricing: | As a Total Legal Support customer - all tools & solutions are 5-20% of the cost of comparable market providers (except for Manpower which is 60% of the cost of comparable providers - good people cost what they cost). |
Director-level and/or on-site support | GLS Group director-level support and/or on-site attendance is provided at 1.5x the Legal Manpower Rate specified below. |
Instant 24/7/365 Access: | Total Legal Support clients enjoy 24/7/365 access so that your team enjoys unprecedent responsiveness and support capabilities. |
Team Based Access: | Say goodbye to localized legal dept. resource collections! Total Legal Support ensures that all members of your legal team have equal access to your GLS resource stack - no matter how large your team is or where they are located. |
Matter & Spend Tracking Reports: | Weekly, matter specific spend tracking reports to deliver transparency to your account usage (Silver & Gold accounts). |
Single / Corporate Account: | All members of your team can utilize a single account, consolidating and extending your purchasing power. |
Simplified Procurement: | Avoid multiple rounds of internal procurement approvals! By securing a single approval for your TLS account you gain instant access to hundreds of resources as and when you need them i.e. eliminating the procurement inefficiencies / obstacles that are preventing you getting what you need when you need it. |
Multiple Tier Benefits: | Access increasing tier based benefits as you move towards our “Gold” plans. The more you use the LOC, the more we include and the more your benefit. |
Account Personalization: | Choose the GLS modules and content that you want your legal team to have access to. |
SLA Backed Reviews: | SLA backed delivery when you utilize Total Legal Support for routine commercial contract reviews. All “contract review” related work will be processed within 3 business days. Express requests can be made: |
Transformation Context: | All Total Legal Support resources s are presented in the context of in-house teams looking to transform/digitize their offerings - helping you to achieve maximum productivity returns on the resources you access. |
GLS Trial Resource Stack: | On registration enjoy immediate access to our free trial resource stack comprising more than US$20,000 worth of legal dept. tools & resources. |
Dedicated Performance Manager: | Enjoy tier specific access to a legal dept. performance expert who can assist you with resource selection and help you maximise your team’s productivity. |
Free Automated Template Library | Tier specific access to a world-class automated library of common legal templates - available for unlimited use by your team. |
Free Team Training: | Tier specific access to world-class training module for legal teams and their internal audiences. This ensures that you are using knowledge strategies to drive the performance of your team. |
Discounted Templates: | Enjoy tier increasing discounts for the document templates that your team needs. Your team can access world class legal documents from our continually updated and fully harmonized legal template library. |
LOC Credit: | As a market first, we extend your purchasing power by upsizing your budget for use on the GLS LOC. This enables you to drawn down on world class training and policy solutions for free! |
Increasing Manpower Discounts: | Enjoy market leading and ever deepening Manpower discounts for when you actually need access to legal personnel. |
Exclusive TLS Content: | Total Legal Support customers will receive exclusive legal team know-how and performance content. |
Advanced Resource Notifications: | All Total Legal Support Customers will receive advance resource notifications and may be invited to participate in resource trials. |
Free Contracting Function Audit: | Access to GLS's market leading Contracting Function Audit Tool to help you build the detailed insights that you need to efficiently optimise your contract function's performance. |
Legal Function Audit Tools: | Tier specific access to our critical in-house legal function audit tools so that you can use to efficiently plan your legal team's transformation agenda. |
Legal Team Transformation Module: | Gold & Platinum accounts are entitled to a GLS Legal Dept Efficiency Audit which provides you with a strategic roadmap to transform your in-house team. |
New Resource Offers/Discounts: | Gold & Platinum accounts will be invited to trial new GLS LOC resources ahead of the market and enjoy introductory offers. |
GLS Law Firm Discount | Enjoy major discounts when you access support from GLS Law Firm |
Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing
Column one | Column two | Column three | Column four | Column five |
Bronze | Silver | Gold | Platinum | |
TLS Pre-Paid Resource | US$10,000 | US$25,000 | US$100,000 | US$200,000 |
GLS Free Trial Resource Stack | Available | Available | Available | Available |
Budget Extender (i.e. free LOC Credit) | N/A | 2.5% | 5% | 10% |
Legal Team Training - Standard Modules | N/A | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Legal Template Discounts | 0% | 5% | 10% | 25% |
Legal Manpower Rate | US$299 | US$284 | US$269 | US$249 |
30m Performance Manager Meetings (Annual) | N/A | 3 | 6 | 12 |
LOC Discount Rate: | N/A | N/A | 5% | 10% |
Contracting Function Audit | N/A | N/A | Yes | Yes |
IHL Function Audit Module Access | N/A | N/A | 1 (DIY) | 1 DIY + 1 Delivered |
Legal Team Transformation Module | N/A | N/A | N/A | Available |
My Account Personalization | N/A | N/A | Available | Available |
Matter Tracking Reporting | N/A | N/A | Available (Monthly) | Available (Weekly) |
TLS Account Usage Report | Available (Monthly) | Available (Monthly) | Available (Weekly) | Available (Weekly) |
GLS Law Firm Discount | 0% | 5% | 10% | 15% |
GLS RPLV Legal Operations Score
This solution’s GLS RPLV impact score:

Resource Status: | Specialist | Repeater | Formative |
Ease of Implementation: | Complex | Average | Easy |
Value Demonstration/Visibility: | Low | Medium | High |
Productivity Leverage Profile: | Low | Medium | High |
IHL Line Optimisation: | Single | Multiple | All Lines |
IHL Critical Function Optimisation Targets
This solution enhances performance across the following critical in-house functions:
In-House Legal: Critical Functions / Processes
General Counsel
Legal Tech
Managed Service
Human Capital
Data Analytics
Legal Operations
Service Provider
Co. Sec.
Internal Client
GLS has identified 15 critical in-house processes/functions that are present in every world-class legal department. To learn what these functions are, their composition and how they interrelate to deliver efficient legal team performance outcomes - visit here.