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GLS Contract Negotiation Playbook™ (GLS Best Practice Version)

A GLS best practice contract negotiation playbook

The Problem

Contracts can take a long time to close if only a few people in your organisation know how to negotiate them.  

Related challenges include: 

  • your legal/procurement teams have finite capacity and resources
  • not all contract negotiators are equal in skill and experience
  • inadequate contracting support exposes you to legal, commercial and operational risks
  • smaller organizations do not have many “expert” legal and/or procurement resources
  • larger counterparties often bully your business team into submission
  • your legal team’s limited resources are stretched to its breaking point

Wouldn’t it be good if your best contract negotiator could support every deal that you negotiate?  

The GLS Solution

A GLS Best Seller

GLS Contract Negotiation Playbook™ (GLS Best Practice Version) is a game changing contracting support tool that supports both your legal team and, if you choose, your commercial negotiation team.

This legal team resource instantly upskills your contract negotiators (regardless of their level of experience) with a world class knowledge of:

  • Key Clause Issues: how each key clause in your standard contracts work
  • Clause Negotiation: how to negotiate each element of each clause
  • Negotiation Strategy: the negotiation strategy that your business wants to follow
  • Counterparty Objections: the arguments likely to be raised by the counterparty
  • Counter Arguments: how to respond to known counterparty issues
  • Industry Risk Indicator: where accepted industry risk lies in relation to each clause
  • Clause Negotiability: which provisions can change  with or without approval
  • Escalation Pathways: how to escalate any issues you encounter and to whom
  • Irritant Strategies: how to deal with common, annoying counterparty objections
  • Business Sensitivities: specific issue sensitivities that exist in your business

GLS Contract Negotiation Playbook™ (GLS Best Practice Version) instantly:

  • Experience Leverage: leverages up the contract support capabilities of a much larger team of people within your business, extending well beyond the borders of legal and procurement
  • Negotiation Efficiency: enhances the performance capabilities of your contract negotiations by providing the guidance that makes for better, faster, safer and cheaper contracting outcomes
  • Consistent Contracting: ensures that every part of your business is negotiating contracts in the same way to achieve a uniform legal risk profile over all contracts that are concluded
  • Knowledge Capture: makes decades of the collective wisdom of scores of legal and procurement professionals available to anyone supporting your contract negotiations

With GLS Contract Negotiation Playbook™ (GLS Best Practice Version) there are no more weak links on your negotiating team and every negotiation becomes your best one yet.  

For both big and small businesses alike, this best selling solution can help your teams conclude contract negotiations more efficiently whilst reducing overall resource expenditure of the legal department. 

This solution comes “as is” - with all the hard work done by GLS  - and ready for you and your team to configure/calibrate it to your internal ecosystem including any standard clause/language you typically use. 

Problem solved. 

Solution Deliverables

Negotiation PlaybookGuidance on the 10 most litigated commercial terms of a standard commercial contract.
Your/Our TemplateThe GLS Playbook™ is calibrated to our world class templates.
Purpose Statements:Each clause is accompanied by a "layperson accessible" overview of the purpose of the clause.
Negotiation Strategy:Explains to the user what your defined clause negotiation strategy is going to be.
Negotiation Parameters:Guides the user on precisely what changes (if any) can be made to your default contractual provisions.
Counterparty Issues:Anticipated counter party issues.
Escalation Pathways:A framework for you to efficiently identify the relevant escalation pathways in your organization.
Counterparty Rebuttals:Arguments to rebut counterparty arguments. 
Clause Risk Rating:Indicates how important are the specific issues that each clause is seeking to address.
Key Clause Elements:Breaks down each clause into its constituent elements to make it easier to understand.

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
DELIVERABLES (Our Templates)BasicStandardAdvancedComplete
GLS Essentials
(Big 6 Legal)
GLS Standard
(10 plus 2)
GLS Playbook Training
Playbook Maintenance Protocol
Price (excl. VAT)$3,999$6,999$7,999$9,999

Pricing Comparison

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Partner$850$3,99904h 42m
Senior Associate$640$3,99906h 12m
Blended Rate$520$3,99907h 36m
Associate$480$3,99908h 18m
Junior Associate$420$3,99909h 54m

GLS RPLV Legal Operations Score

This solution’s GLS RPLV impact score:

Resource Status: Specialist Repeater Formative
Ease of Implementation: Complex Average Easy
Value Demonstration/Visibility: Low Medium High
Productivity Leverage Profile: Low Medium High
IHL Line Optimisation: Single Multiple All Lines

IHL Critical Function Optimisation Targets

This solution enhances performance across the following critical in-house functions:

In-House Legal: Critical Functions / Processes

General Counsel


Legal Tech


Managed Service

Human Capital

Service Provider




Internal Client

GLS has identified 15 critical in-house processes/functions that are present in every world-class legal department. To learn what these functions are, their composition and how they interrelate to deliver efficient legal team performance outcomes - visit here.

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