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Legal Team Workload Forecast Request Form™

A powerful tool to forecast legal team workloads

The Problem

Your legal team is does not proactively gather legal-support requirement forecasts from its internal clients.

Related challenges include: 

  • you need to improve your relationships with your internal clients
  • you don’t have detailed insights into the workflows you service
  • you find it hard to forecast workloads and work-types
  • your team is always busy but remains on the backfoot
  • your internal clients routinely complain about your team's responsiveness
  • you are under pressure to make your legal team more proactive
  • your team finds it hard to defend legal budget requests
  • you know that a quality document reflects well on the professionalism of your legal team

Wouldn’t it be great if you could proactively gather actionable forecast data that helped you improve your legal operations and your relationships with your internal clients? 

The GLS Solution

Legal Team Workload Forecast Request Form™ is a powerful (but simple) tool to help you proactively gather legal-support requirement forecasts from your business.

This solution allows you to better plan for the utilisation of your limited resources and improve your team's outputs.

This solution allows you to demonstrably and proactively support your business and improve the efficacy of your legal department. 

This solution allows you to take a small, but powerful (and visible) step towards the transformation of your department's legal operations. 

Along with tools such as the Legal Service Request Form, this is a simple but highly effective tool in your efforts to better track, record, manage and report inbound instructions for legal support.

The Legal Team Workload Forecast Request Form™ allows you to pro-actively capture the workflow and performance data and demonstrate to your stakeholders that your legal team is world class, business enabling function.

Problem Solved.

Solution Deliverables


A template to help you efficiently gather workload forecasts from your business.

This template focuses on the data that will help you to effectively plan for your team's utilisation and resourcing needs. 

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
Legal Team Workload Forecast Request Form:
Price (excl.)$199

Pricing Comparison

This product is a complete solution with clear deliverables for just $199. What could your law firm provide you for this price? See below to find out.

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Senior Associate$640$19918.6min
Blended Rate$520$19922.9min
Junior Associate$420$19929.8min

GLS RPLV Legal Operations Score

This solution’s GLS RPLV impact score:

Resource Status: Specialist Repeater Formative
Ease of Implementation: Complex Average Easy
Value Demonstration/Visibility: Low Medium High
Productivity Leverage Profile: Low Medium High
IHL Line Optimisation: Single Multiple All Lines

IHL Critical Function Optimisation Targets

This solution enhances performance across the following critical in-house functions:

In-House Legal: Critical Functions / Processes

General Counsel


Legal Tech


Managed Service

Human Capital

Data Analytics

Legal Operations

Service Provider



Co. Sec.


Internal Client


GLS has identified 15 critical in-house processes/functions that are present in every world-class legal department. To learn what these functions are, their composition and how they interrelate to deliver efficient legal team performance outcomes - visit here.

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