


In-House Legal Tip: The Clause Bank - unleash its power

1 min • 27 Jul 23


High-performance in-house legal departments utilize “Clause Banks” to drive contracting function efficiency and enhanced compliance outcomes. 

A Clause Bank centralizes authorised and standardized legal provisions and definitions, thereby saving time and increasing the standards of your contract drafting. 

In particular, they ensure consistency, reduce the risk of errors and ambiguities, and free up the lawyers’ capacity to focus on any "bespoke lawyering”. 

Circa 70% of every commercial contract is the same – e.g. your definition of “Applicable Law” should remain consistent across your entire template library. 

So, at a minimum, you should have a Clause Bank that covers that 70% by addressing your contracts’ “B.I.L.D” provisions i.e.: 

  • Boilerplate
  • Interpretation
  • Legal risk allocation 
  • Definitions.

A word on future-proofing your Clause Bank: regardless of your legal department’s current use of technology, your Clause Bank should (and can easily be) constructed such that its contents are in an “automatable format”. This will save you a huge amount of time and effort when you eventually come to implementing more “high-tech” solutions into your legal dept.

If you do not currently have your own Clause Bank, simply download one from: GLS Essential BILD Clause Bank

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