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GLS Knowhow Centre™ - Corp Sec Template Module

A corp secretarial forms module

The Problem

Your team, like most legal teams,  can easily get bogged down with company secretarial resolution grind.

Related challenges include:

  • fact - no one likes doing corporate secretarial work
  • corp sec work, whilst extremely dull, is important
  • no one gets recognized for doing corp. sec well
  • corp sec personnel churn rate is typically high as work is dull
  • corp sec tends to be a career killer - no one wants to do it

Wouldn't it be great if you can get this work type done with a click of a few buttons? And then get back to the more interesting and important stuff?

The GLS Solution

This GLS Knowhow Centre™ - Corporate Secretarial Module provides you access to a bank of extremely useful and commonly used corporate secretarial templates to hep bring efficiency to your corp sec function. 

With this module you can access prepared corporate secretarial forms at a click of a button from most Microsoft applications, particularly Word.

Your corp sec team will now have the ability to instantly prepare, amongst other documents:

  • directors and shareholder resolutions
  • meeting agenda for shareholders and boards
  • notices of board and shareholder meetings
  • prepare relevant meeting minutes and the like.

Your approach to corporate secretarial work can become more responsive, standardized and proactive. These tools will allow you to delegate appropriate tasks to more junior team members with far greater ease. 

Whilst we cannot make this dull areas of legal compliance responsibilities go away - we can at least make it far more efficient for you to address. 

Problem Solved. 

Solution Deliverables

Solution Features

GLS Knowhow Centre™ Module:a module containing relevant forms and/or clauses as are available with this module. These are provided in “Word” format only if you take the “Basic” offering.
Automatable Content Package:a module containing necessary files/file protocols that enable upload into your automated GLS Knowhow Centre - Legal App - available in the “Standard” Plan and above.
GLS Knowhow Centre - Legal App Module:in order to automate this clause bank through Microsoft applications you will need to purchase the GLS Knowhow Centre - Legal App separately on a per user basis. 
Implementation Support:GLS will support the implementation of this module into your GLS Knowhow Centre - Legal Ap and provide basic user user training - available in the “Advanced” Plan.

Available Corp Sec Templates

Directors Resolutionsall available GLS Directors Resolutions
Shareholders Resolutionsall available GLS Shareholders Resolutions
Shareholder Meeting Noticestandard notice of a shareholders meeting
Board Meeting Noticestandard notice of directors meeting
Board Meeting Agendastandard agenda for directors meeting
Board Meeting Minutes Templatestandard template for capturing Board Meeting Minutes
Shareholders Meeting Minutes Templatesstandard template for capturing Shareholder Meeting Minutes
Notice for exceptional EGMstandard notice for EGM

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
Knowhow Centre Module
Automatable Module Content Package
GLS Knowhow Centre™ - Legal App (Charged Separately)
Implementation Support Hours2 hours5 hours
Price (excl. VAT) $499$1,499$2,499$4,999

Pricing Comparison

This product is a complete solution with clear deliverables. What could your law firm provide you for US$499. See below to find out.

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Partner$850$4990h 35m
Senior Associate$640$4990h 47m
Blended Rate$520$4990h 58m
Associate$480$4991h 03m
Junior Associate$400$4991h 08m

GLS RPLV Legal Operations Score

This solution’s GLS RPLV impact score:

Resource Status: Specialist Repeater Formative
Ease of Implementation: Complex Average Easy
Value Demonstration/Visibility: Low Medium High
Productivity Leverage Profile: Low Medium High
IHL Line Optimisation: Single Multiple All Lines

IHL Critical Function Optimisation Targets

This solution enhances performance across the following critical in-house functions:

In-House Legal: Critical Functions / Processes

General Counsel

Legal Tech


Human Capital


Co. Sec.

Internal Client

GLS has identified 15 critical in-house processes/functions that are present in every world-class legal department. To learn what these functions are, their composition and how they interrelate to deliver efficient legal team performance outcomes - visit here.

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