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excl GSTs



GLS Knowhow Centre™ - Privacy Clause Bank Module

A library of common privacy law clauses

The Problem

You encounter privacy law issues all the time but do not have a privacy clause bank resource. 

Related challenges include:

  • locating and/or amending simple clauses takes too much time
  • not having standard clauses limits your ability to delegate
  • hand-crafting standard legal building blocks makes no sense
  • anything hand-crafted requires additional review time
  • using clauses from old precedents can replicate previous mistakes
  • Googling is not lawyering

Wouldn’t it be good if you had a single source of approved clauses ready to go?

The GLS Solution

This module is a powerful productivity tool for any legal department looking to instantly boost their productivity when dealing with privacy law. 

Utilising world-class pre-approved privacy law clauses allows your team to focus on more "custom" lawyering whilst delegating safely.

Drafting or editing a privacy related clause? A few clicks and you are good to go.

Problem Solved.

Solution Deliverables

GLS Clause Bank™:Contains clauses covering common privacy law legal concepts. 
Custom Legal Dictionary:A dictionary of legal terms developed specifically this contract type. 
Automatable: If you want an automated version of this clause bank module you will need to purchase the “Standard” version which provides access to content in an automatable. 
GLS Knowhow Centre - Legal App ModuleSoftware licences that make your clause bank accessible from all major Microsoft applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) are available on a per user basis and are charged separately. 
Implementation:If you would like us to implement your new automated module, you will need to select the “Advanced” option. 

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
DELIVERABLESBasicStandard Advanced
Standard Module
Automated Content
Macroview Licences (charged separately)
GLS Implementation
Price (excl. VAT)$499$999$1,999

Pricing Comparison

This product is a complete solution with clear deliverables. What could your law firm provide you for US$499. See below to find out.

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Partner$850$4990h 35m
Senior Associate$640$4990h 47m
Blended Rate$520$4990h 58m
Associate$480$4991h 00m
Junior Associate$400$4991h 08m

GLS RPLV Legal Operations Score

This solution’s GLS RPLV impact score:

Resource Status: Specialist Repeater Formative
Ease of Implementation: Complex Average Easy
Value Demonstration/Visibility: Low Medium High
Productivity Leverage Profile: Low Medium High
IHL Line Optimisation: Single Multiple All Lines

IHL Critical Function Optimisation Targets

This solution enhances performance across the following critical in-house functions:

In-House Legal: Critical Functions / Processes


Legal Tech

Managed Service

Human Capital



GLS has identified 15 critical in-house processes/functions that are present in every world-class legal department. To learn what these functions are, their composition and how they interrelate to deliver efficient legal team performance outcomes - visit here.

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