

Legal Dept. Design Consultancy™

Help to architect a high performance IHL team

The Problem

You have been tasked to set up a new legal team.

Related challenges:

  • easy to say, hard to do
  • you have worked in leading teams, but you have never set one up
  • what is  your new teams remit?
  • what is its operational and authority mandate?
  • how shall it be organized?
  • what services will it offer?
  • what essential systems, processes and procedures does it need?
  • what policy infrastructure is needed?
  • what is the internal client needs profile look at?
  • what priorities should you focus on?
  • how to stretch limited budget?

Wouldn't it be great if you could access a detailed guide to establish a high-performance legal dept to help you efficiently build a winning team?

The GLS Solution

GLS Legal Dept Design Consultancy™ provides you access to the experience and expertise that you need to help build a high-performance legal team. 

GLS is a pioneer in the field of corporate legal department set-up, optimization and transformation consulting and solution provision and are a globally recognized leader in the market place. 

GLS is able to provide you expert consultancy of every aspect of establishing and optimizing the performance of your legal team including:

  • legal team mission and vision statements
  • operational remit and decision making authorities
  • legal team organization design
  • roles and responsibilities
  • internal client needs assessment
  • department performance strategies including KPIs
  • legal operations support and capability development
  • internal client services charter
  • establishing vital legal function processes
  • core systems and legal technology choices
  • legal team workflow automation and optimization
  • knowledge management strategies
  • team member career development
  • legal team performance and reporting
  • legal team leadership strategies and development
  • service provider sourcing strategy
  • external provider management  improve their performance levels

The GLS Group has for over 10 years been helping legal departments all around the world design and implement legal team transformation program designed to enhance legal team performance.

Please visit the GLS Legal Team Transformation Tube Map for a DNA level view of the essential processes and components of a world class legal team - this is an original GLS thought leadership tool free for you to use - visit here.

GLS has implementation solutions and strategies for each critical resource enabling element of a world class legal team - we have more than 800 resources available to incorporate into your legal team. 

Your challenge - setting up a green field legal department - is one that we have helped numerous client effectively solve in an efficient manner, and we can easily and efficiently help you get up and running.

Click Request A Follow Up to arrange a consultation to learn how GLS can help you succeed with your legal transformation objectives. 

Problem Solved.

Solution Deliverables

Legal Team Design Consultancy:Access senior leadership talent that have set up and/or transformed some of the largest legal departments in the world
Blue Print Solutions:Access a range of solutions to help you blue print the establishment of your legal team
GLS Legal Dept Tube Map:Access GLS's DNA level blue print which lays out all of the essential elements that are requirement to establish and operate a high-performance legal team
Success Record:Access GLS's incredible record for successful legal team set-up and transformation implementations - from “green field” projects to full team turnarounds through to transformations of specific components of specific legal function transformations
Industry Leadership:GLS has the widest legal transformation offering of all service providers globally and is a recognized leaders in legal team performance. As the author of the GLS Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations and the GLS Legal Transformation Tube Map - GLS stands out as one of the most accomplished and without doubt the most cost--accessible legal transformation service provider
Program Tools & Resources:GLS operates the GLS Legal Operations Centre with more than 800 tools and resources to help you efficiently build your legal team
Case Studies:GLS can deliver rich and diverse legal transformation case studies in order to help you plan your transformation
Set Up Support Plans:GLS is the only international service provider to offer incredible legal team support plans - our product cost effective and potent means of helping support you quickly get your legal team up and running
Transformation PersonnelGLS offers a leading array of transformation staffing options - a rare commodity given how few genuine transformation expert personnel actually exist

Project Requirements

Please get in touch so that we can understand what you are trying to achieve with your legal team transformation. 

Please click Request Follow-Up. 

GLS RPLV Legal Operations Score

This solution’s GLS RPLV impact score:

Resource Status: Specialist Repeater Formative
Ease of Implementation: Complex Average Easy
Value Demonstration/Visibility: Low Medium High
Productivity Leverage Profile: Low Medium High
IHL Line Optimisation: Single Multiple All Lines

IHL Critical Function Optimisation Targets

This solution enhances performance across the following critical in-house functions:

In-House Legal: Critical Functions / Processes

General Counsel


Legal Tech


Managed Service

Human Capital

Data Analytics

Legal Operations

Service Provider



Co. Sec.


Internal Client


GLS has identified 15 critical in-house processes/functions that are present in every world-class legal department. To learn what these functions are, their composition and how they interrelate to deliver efficient legal team performance outcomes - visit here.

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