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GLS BP Procurement Framework Training™ (Premium)

Recognising best practice procurement structures

The Problem

You want to understand what a best practice procurement function looks like. 

Related challenges include:

  • you don’t know what best practice looks like
  • the business wants to see tangible value from procurement
  • contracts are taking too long to close
  • spikes in busyness are hard to mange
  • your processes aren’t crystal clear
  • your vendor strategy is opaque
  • suppliers are not being performance managed
  • legal are slowing your team down
  • experience levels across the team vary greatly
  • your vendors complain too frequently

Wouldn’t it be nice to get a concise view of what best practice looks like?

The GLS Solution

GLS BP Procurement Framework Training™ provides you with a best practice procurement reference model to help you to set your own qualitative procurement objectives.

GLS BP Procurement Framework Training ™ overviews a complete procurement construct by aggregating high-performing features from established world-class procurement functions globally.

GLS BP Procurement Framework Training™ does not tell you what you should be doing but rather informs you as to what others are doing so that you can leverage their experience.

Ultimately the best procurement solution is the one that actually works in your ecosystem and GLS BP Procurement Framework Training™ is a helpful step towards you defining that.

Problem solved. 

Solution Deliverables

Authority:Contract approval flows, matrix and mandates.
Tools:Tools that drive team productivity.
Policies:Identifying the essential attendant policy landscape.
RFP:RFP process essentials.
PO:A spotlight on the role of Purchase Orders.
Templates:How to maintain optimal legal templates.
Processes:Identifying vital procurement approval processes.
Technologies:Contract Management System Tools and preparing for automation.
KPIs:Available KPIs that demonstrate team value.
People:Analysis of core people requirements.
Training:Essential training and development areas.
Compliance:Managing your core compliance obligations.
Org Design:Models for team structure design.
BU Interaction:Processes to optimise end customer interaction.
Value Seepage:Safeguarding against value seepage from your contacts.
Vendor Management:Essential strategies for vendor management.
Pain Points:Addressing typical procurement pain points.
90min Session:90 minute session delivered via video conference
Behaviour Focused:The session challenges the audience to understand procurement practices as it might apply to them.
Pre-Session Materials: A session teaser for your compliance team to circulate to proposed attendees, in order to introduce the session and kick start “issue” receptivity (Support Materials).
Supporting Slides:A vibrant slide deck outlining the key issues and behaviours behind best practice procurement -  these can be branded in your livery and be made available digitally.
Procurement Expert: The session is led by procurement experts who have been advising on compliance strategies globally.
Q&A: An interactive Q&A session to address queries from the workplace.
Takeaway Materials: Takeaway checklist for your team to pin to their desks, in order to reinforce the message of the session and drive compliance practices (Support Materials).
Online Audit: An online audit for you to test audience retention 1 month after the session (Support Materials). 
Digital Rights Available:If you want the digital rights for the presentation - select the relevant tier

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
Pre-Session Materials
Standard Training Modules
Digital Rights
Takeaway Materials (Slides/Checklists)
Online Follow Up Test
Price (excl. VAT)$2,499$3,499$3,999$4,449

Pricing Comparison

GLS provides a complete training solution for $2,499. What would you get from a typical law firm for this amount? Well, see below.

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Partner$850$2,4991h 42m
Senior Associate$640$2,4992h 20m
Blended$520$2,4992h 53m
Associate$480$2,4993h 06m
Junior Associate$400$2,4993h 36m

GLS RPLV Legal Operations Score

This solution’s GLS RPLV impact score:

Resource Status: Specialist Repeater Formative
Ease of Implementation: Complex Average Easy
Value Demonstration/Visibility: Low Medium High
Productivity Leverage Profile: Low Medium High
IHL Line Optimisation: Single Multiple All Lines

IHL Critical Function Optimisation Targets

This solution enhances performance across the following critical in-house functions:

In-House Legal: Critical Functions / Processes


GLS has identified 15 critical in-house processes/functions that are present in every world-class legal department. To learn what these functions are, their composition and how they interrelate to deliver efficient legal team performance outcomes - visit here.

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