This online tool will allow you to get an accurate quote for legal support / legal team services from either GLS Solutions Pte Ltd (our ALSP) and GLS Law Firm Pte Ltd, our licensed law firm.

The below questionnaire only takes a few minutes to complete and will help you define an accurate scope of work for your project. If we do need any more information, we will reach out to you.

As we want to provide you with a fixed-price quotation that delivers complete budgetary certainty – the quality of the data you provide is very important. Your response will be kept entirely confidential.

We will produce and email you our quote/proposal to you usually within a few hours* of you submitting your response. We are also happy to provide you with an additional 15 min consultation to discuss our proposal.

In more than 10 years of trading, GLS Group has never exceeded a fixed quote, had an invoice disputed or unpaid … and our prices are typically less than 50% of any comparable provider.

Let’s Get Started!

1. Who is requesting this quote?

Note: Full legal name of business, or full name if an individual – we will address our proposal to this party.

2. Brief: Your Support Requirement:

Please provide a brief (no more than 4 sentences) description of the matter/project you would like a quotation for.

Note: Focus on explaining the outcome you are trying to achieve and any essential background.

3. Counterparties:

(This means will there be any other parties to the transaction, agreement, project, dispute, etc?)

4. Support Duration:

(Are you looking for “one & done” or “ongoing support?)

5. Governing Law:

6. Legal Area:

7. Your Sector:

(This allows us to showcase our sector experience which might create additional efficiencies for your project.)

8. Nature of Support:

(What do you want us to do for you?)

9. Dispute Matters:

GLS does not support dispute matters but we can certainly be helpful my referring you on to well-placed law firms who could assist.

10. Showcase Experience & Expertise

11. Fees & Assumptions:

Note: Assumptions make it far easier to provide fixed price quotations – indicate below assumptions we should use.
Note: We will provide our quotation in USD unless specifically asked for a different currency.

12. Other information

Note: Add below any other information that you feel is relevant to your proposed matter – e.g. proposed deal structure, etc.
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